Tuesday, January 20, 2015

5 Tips To Date A Shy Guy

Dating a shy guy is a huge challenge for girls. If you really like the guy, you will probably do everything you can to catch his attention. Not all men are showy about their feelings and some can be a quite hard to talk to. But sometimes these dudes just need a type of girl to boost up their confidence. 

To date a shy guy is a totally different thing than hanging out with someone who is lively and easy to talk to. While most girls are looking to date a confident and reliable man, some ladies are thrilled to meet and date a mysterious and shy guy. 

So here are some tips to date and handle a shy guy as well as help him overcome his shyness.

Tip 1: Start By Being Friends

The first step to date a guy is make friends with him. Good thing we now have access to social media network such as Facebook, twitter, etc. where we can interact and communicate with anyone online. Start the friendship by adding them to your friends list and have a short but interesting conversation via chat. Text message and phone calling is also a good way to exchange a conversation and once you are comfortable with each other, find a way to ask him out.

Tip 2: Make A Casual Conversation

When setting up a date, try to keep it simple where he can express himself with ease and go to a place where both of you can comfortably talk about anything. The guy doesn’t actually know how to approach you so might as well start the conversation by telling him about yourself and your interest. He will not only get to know you better but he will also become quickly comfortable to open up. As the conversation goes along, ask him questions without being pressured and really listen to what he is trying to say.

Tip 3: Be Watchful With His Body Language

Some men are not really good at hiding their feelings and mind. By learning his body language, you can determine whether the guy is bored, not interested, flirting or very interested in you. So always be watchful by how their body reacts in certain situation.

Tip 4: Gain His Trust

Once he open up and told you some important details about his life, whether big or small, make sure to keep it in private. It’s a good way to gain his trust so he won’t hesitate to share about anything.

Tip 5: Be Patient

Patience is a virtue as they say. When dating a shy guy, patience and understanding is a must. You like the guy so be prepared to face the challenges behind it. If he really worth your time, you will understand his behavior and shyness.

I know how difficult it is for a woman to make the first move plus and double it up if you are shy too. But if you really like him and want to know him better, then you’ll get the guts to make the initial move. Nevertheless, the key with dating a shy guy is to accept his natural shyness, be patient and understanding and boost up the confidence in him.

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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Awesome Things And Facts About Norway

Despite of being a fairly small nation in Scandinavia, the country still has a lot of things to be proud of. From its beautiful forest, rivers, mountains and lakes to its highly innovative civilization, Norway is definitely one of the best places to live. Let’s have a closer look with awesome things and facts about the land of the midnight sun, Norway.

  • Norway means “path to the North”
  • The first Olympics event was first held in Oslo in 1952
  • It is where cheese slicer was invented
  • It is where the famous Helly Hansen outdoor clothing originated
  • Edvard Grieg, an artist who created the “The Scream” painting is a Norwegian.
  • Norway is the third biggest exporter of oil in the world.
  • Vikings use their long ships to explore new countries
  • Awesome Fjords
  • Northern lights
  • Midnight sun at the North Cape 
  • Fresh Salmons are being exported worldwide
  • 98-99% of its electricity is coming from a hydroelectric power
  • The first country to implement compulsory paternity leave
  • Norway knighted a penguin in 2008
  • Income and wealth information are accessible online for public
  • Won the largest number of Gold, Silver and Bronze in Winter Olympics.
  • Norway is absolutely the cradle of skiing.
  • Norway's largest lake and located in central eastern region, is also the 2nd deepest in Europe and the 19th deepest in the world. 
  • The locals eat brown cheese or brunost which is a sweet cheese but not really cheese. 
  • Norwegian words are well adopted in English as well as other languages
  • Many Norwegians eat kaviar on a daily basis.
  • The Lærdal road tunnel on road E16 is the world's longest road tunnel.
  • They use 00 to 24 hours, instead of AM and PM.
  • Norwegians are the best educated people in Europe. 
  • Oslo in Norway is one of the most expensive cities in the world.
  • Norway became one of the first countries to establish a Ministry for the Environment.
  • Norway is one of the wealthiest and most peaceful countries in the world.
  • Food stores are closed on Sundays but in order for any establishment to be open on this day or holidays, they must obtain a special license.

So did I miss anything? Would be happy to hear your thoughts!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Facts About Norwegian Women Every Men Should Know

Norway, also known as the land of the midnight sun, is considered as one of the wealthiest country in the world. The country has a lot of beauty and highlights to offer including beautiful tourist destinations, foods, mountains, heritage sites and of course the people. Society speaking, Norway was the first country to establish gender equality Ombud and since the 80’s, the country’s switching governments have always comprise half percentage of women. Apart from being an ideal location to travel, live and work in, pretty and smart women is one of the country’s greatest pride and asset.

Find your way in this Nordic nation and learn more about attractive and bright Norwegian women from these interesting facts;

1. Norwegian women are highly educated, respected and very liberated subjects. They are indeed good looking yet not a submissive type. They have light eyes and have variations of blondes. Proper etiquette is so important to them. They are stylish with simple cosmetics and very sophisticated. Moreover, these women are well aware with global issues.

3. They are not approachable to foreigners and they're definitely not rude. They are not that friendly with Americans because men from their nation are among the finest and most desired men of the world making it quite difficult for a Westerner to come near them. If you have a brown or darkish skin color, be prepared for quick rejections.

4. Few years ago, rape wave has become one of their major issues. Since then, they’ve become extra cautious with meeting with guys particularly for foreigners.

5. They like well mannered men, the one who can agree with shared responsibilities, equal duties and equal/better financial stability.

6. Norwegian ladies are physically active and love doing things outdoor. Some outdoor activities they enjoy are hiking, biking, kayaking and fishing.

7. They are willing to pay for a date. If you think it would be uncomfortable for you to let your girl pay the bills, you are completely mistaken. Paying for a date is no problem at all, that is if they find you good and worth their time. If you are lucky enough, they don’t mind asking you to go out again especially if they like you well enough. That is a good sign of her great interest in you.

Norwegian women may seem difficult to please and a guy may require some effort to go with their standards, but once you got them, you will be impressed by their strong and nice personalities.

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