Thursday, January 8, 2015

Awesome Things And Facts About Norway

Despite of being a fairly small nation in Scandinavia, the country still has a lot of things to be proud of. From its beautiful forest, rivers, mountains and lakes to its highly innovative civilization, Norway is definitely one of the best places to live. Let’s have a closer look with awesome things and facts about the land of the midnight sun, Norway.

  • Norway means “path to the North”
  • The first Olympics event was first held in Oslo in 1952
  • It is where cheese slicer was invented
  • It is where the famous Helly Hansen outdoor clothing originated
  • Edvard Grieg, an artist who created the “The Scream” painting is a Norwegian.
  • Norway is the third biggest exporter of oil in the world.
  • Vikings use their long ships to explore new countries
  • Awesome Fjords
  • Northern lights
  • Midnight sun at the North Cape 
  • Fresh Salmons are being exported worldwide
  • 98-99% of its electricity is coming from a hydroelectric power
  • The first country to implement compulsory paternity leave
  • Norway knighted a penguin in 2008
  • Income and wealth information are accessible online for public
  • Won the largest number of Gold, Silver and Bronze in Winter Olympics.
  • Norway is absolutely the cradle of skiing.
  • Norway's largest lake and located in central eastern region, is also the 2nd deepest in Europe and the 19th deepest in the world. 
  • The locals eat brown cheese or brunost which is a sweet cheese but not really cheese. 
  • Norwegian words are well adopted in English as well as other languages
  • Many Norwegians eat kaviar on a daily basis.
  • The Lærdal road tunnel on road E16 is the world's longest road tunnel.
  • They use 00 to 24 hours, instead of AM and PM.
  • Norwegians are the best educated people in Europe. 
  • Oslo in Norway is one of the most expensive cities in the world.
  • Norway became one of the first countries to establish a Ministry for the Environment.
  • Norway is one of the wealthiest and most peaceful countries in the world.
  • Food stores are closed on Sundays but in order for any establishment to be open on this day or holidays, they must obtain a special license.

So did I miss anything? Would be happy to hear your thoughts!

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