Tuesday, January 20, 2015

5 Tips To Date A Shy Guy

Dating a shy guy is a huge challenge for girls. If you really like the guy, you will probably do everything you can to catch his attention. Not all men are showy about their feelings and some can be a quite hard to talk to. But sometimes these dudes just need a type of girl to boost up their confidence. 

To date a shy guy is a totally different thing than hanging out with someone who is lively and easy to talk to. While most girls are looking to date a confident and reliable man, some ladies are thrilled to meet and date a mysterious and shy guy. 

So here are some tips to date and handle a shy guy as well as help him overcome his shyness.

Tip 1: Start By Being Friends

The first step to date a guy is make friends with him. Good thing we now have access to social media network such as Facebook, twitter, etc. where we can interact and communicate with anyone online. Start the friendship by adding them to your friends list and have a short but interesting conversation via chat. Text message and phone calling is also a good way to exchange a conversation and once you are comfortable with each other, find a way to ask him out.

Tip 2: Make A Casual Conversation

When setting up a date, try to keep it simple where he can express himself with ease and go to a place where both of you can comfortably talk about anything. The guy doesn’t actually know how to approach you so might as well start the conversation by telling him about yourself and your interest. He will not only get to know you better but he will also become quickly comfortable to open up. As the conversation goes along, ask him questions without being pressured and really listen to what he is trying to say.

Tip 3: Be Watchful With His Body Language

Some men are not really good at hiding their feelings and mind. By learning his body language, you can determine whether the guy is bored, not interested, flirting or very interested in you. So always be watchful by how their body reacts in certain situation.

Tip 4: Gain His Trust

Once he open up and told you some important details about his life, whether big or small, make sure to keep it in private. It’s a good way to gain his trust so he won’t hesitate to share about anything.

Tip 5: Be Patient

Patience is a virtue as they say. When dating a shy guy, patience and understanding is a must. You like the guy so be prepared to face the challenges behind it. If he really worth your time, you will understand his behavior and shyness.

I know how difficult it is for a woman to make the first move plus and double it up if you are shy too. But if you really like him and want to know him better, then you’ll get the guts to make the initial move. Nevertheless, the key with dating a shy guy is to accept his natural shyness, be patient and understanding and boost up the confidence in him.

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